The Minerals’ Tour is a nine-day trekking track which crosses the Veglia Alp and Devero Alp Natural Park mountains, the Sempione mountains, and the Landscape Park of Binntal, while going through one of the most mineralogically interesting parts of the whole of Italy and Switzerland: the Cervandone Mountain. That is precisely where, in fact, several unusual and unique minerals with a high arsenic content have been discovered: some of these had at the moment of their discovery never been seen before by science. Among these rocks it is also possible to read the neatly impressed details of Alpine orogenesis. The in-depth geological study of this area (from Monte Leone up to the serpentines of the Punta del Rossa) undertaken at the end of the eighteen-hundreds just before the Sempione tunnel was constructed, set the grounds for the scientific theory of the layered geological structure of the Alps.
Minerals’ Tour
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 1: Varzo -Trasquera
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 2: Trasquera - Gondo
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 3: Gondo- Sempione Mountain Pass
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 4: Sempione Mountain Pass - Mount Leone Hütte Mountain Hut
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 5: Mount Leone Hütte Mountain Hut - Rosswald
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 6: Rosswald - Binn
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 7: Binn - Alpe Devero
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 8: Devero Alp - Veglia Alp
Minerals’ Tour - Stage 9: Veglia Alp - Trasquera - Varzo
Last update: 08/03/2018 ore 08:18:02