From Borca, near the Guia mine, a pretty mule track departs with quickly-rising steps towards Quarazza and Lake Fate. Follow the farm track along the valley floor, flanking the creek along its left bank until coming to Crocette, with the ruins of the “Città morta” (ghost town): the buildings where gold ore from Quarazzola was once worked.
With the trail for the Miniera Pass to your left, continue on the wide trail until the turnoff for Alpe le Pisse, cross the river at the ford (if it is impossible to wade across, go to Crocette and take the bridge), following along the right-hand, more mountainous side until Alpe La Piana. A pretty military-made mule track starts here, which connected (and still connects today) the Anzasca Valley with that of Valsesia (Macugnaga with Alagna). It rises gently with frequent bends until Alpe Schena, at which point a long crossing leads to the Lanti campground. From there, follow the mule track to the Pass and take in the sight of the wonderful views.
Notes: The Turlo Pass connects Macugnaga with Alagna and for seven centuries was the one of the most important roads between the valleys surrounding Mount Rosa. It’s a high passage, a typical “Walser col”, as is Mount Moro (2,868 m).
Last update: 06/03/2018 ore 15:48:35