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The route starts from Domodossola, the ancient capital of Upper Ossola, with a well-preserved historical center and the subject of important restoration projects (Borgo della Cultura) and reaches Vogogna, the capital of Lower Ossola, included in the list of 217 "Most beautiful villages of Italy”, with an architectural layout of the 14th century medieval village. Vogogna was also awarded the Orange Flag by Italian Touring Club.

The route starts from Domodossola station and once reach the Badulerio area on ordinary roads, join the cycle paths on the right bank of River Toce. Pass the sports centre of Villadossola and continue up to a bridge over the canal. After the bridge, leave the cycle path, turn right and then immediately turn left to follow the road in the industrial area to the roundabout of the cemetery. Turn left and follow the junction road but before it turn right to cross Stream Ovesca on the new road bridge. From the bridge, a cycle lane descends to a roundabout, turn left to cross a canal and continues on a dirt road which at the beginning seems to go back until it passes under the freeway bypassing the service area. After crossing the lawn in front of the service area, reach  once again the cycle path which continues to the Pallanzeno sports centre. Cross the canal on the bridge and take the paved road parallel to the left on the left, cross the rail and merge immediately after the provincial road. Cross it paying close attention to the cars and continue on a short dirt track and then take a paved road that runs alongside the railway embankment, pass the sports centre and the Piedimulera cemetery until you cross the road that runs alongside Stream Anza that descends from Macugnaga. Turn right and continue straight to the bridge over the Anza. After the bridge, turn left along the stream and go around an industrial area. From here there are several dirt tracks (with a very irregular bottom) that cross the meadows of Pieve Vergonte or that skirt the Anza and that eventually reach the area of Pieve Vergonte railway station and the bridge to Vogogna. A more direct road, asphalted but with very little traffic, runs alongside the railway line. From the Pieve Vergonte station, take the bridge over the Toce. At the end of the descent after the bridge, turn immediately left, go back (Via Passerella) and pass under the bridge to take a beautiful track that runs on the bank of the Toce for over 1 km, then continue left parallel to the brook that crosses Vogogna until reaching the historic center of the town or the railway station.

Difficulty Level: T (Easy)

Track Length: 25,8 km of which: Cycling Track: 8,8 km, Dirt Track: 6,9 km, Secondary paved road: 9,2 km, Main paved road: 0,9 km Km

Arrival Address: Domodossola railway station

Departure Height: 270 m

Departure Address: Vogogna

Arrival Height: 226 m

Recommended Time Period: All year long

nazione: Italy

regione: Piedmont

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